Another Thursday another selfie 🤳 and a game of DBMM 200 at Josh Barton’s place. It was great to see Michael Stonyer, too. Last night I used Thracians vs Josh’s Thessalians. I was amazed that a 240 army point list could get to 67.5 morale equivalents - I have 400AP lists not much bigger!
A simple game plan: Waves of psiloi and light horse in the centre skirmishing with the mercenary hoplites. On my left, peltasts (Ps and Ax), the mounted nobles and more light horse preventing the massed Thessalian psiloi getting off their difficult hill and the Thessalian cavalry from getting around the flank. The attack was on the right, more light horse and peltasts (again Ps and Ax), attempting to overwhelm the mercenary hoplites’ flank and then roll up the line.
Numbers told and the plan worked.
Josh had the first bound. The thin hoplite line on the right compared to the massed Thracians on the left gives some idea of the difference in numbers.
Partway through the game. Closest to the camera the stand-off; waves of skirmishers in the middle; and, at the far end, the Thracians are starting to overwhelm the end of the mercenaries’ line.
The end of the mercenaries’ line is gone as has their general.
The selfie: Me, Stony and our gracious host, Josh 😊
John Garvey Yep. Pretty much every pre-Columbian army is around that many ME at 200Ap. Josh Barton
It's pretty hard to beat, especially when your main troop type (Sp) can't actually kill what their fighting (Ps)... John Garvey It is also why I prefer to use DBMM 200 for pre-Columbian fights. My Amazonians have an ME of 42 in a 200 list. That’s over 60 elements. My WotR army is only 50 elements at 400AP! At 400AP my Amazonians have over 130 elements on the table. 40 of which are Ps.
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