Mike was commanding Hussite with wwg, bw(x), some blade, 4 art(I) and kn generals. The bows had only arrived into the country the day before so were looking a bit pale and travel weary.
I commanded an all mounted Avar army cv(s) lh(s) and 4 kn(f).
Mike arranged his army in what can best be described as a checker pattern so there were cross fields of fire to any approach. It then trundled towards me.
I looked for any gaps on the wings while the cv bravely engaged the centre.
Some successes for the Avar but the resilience of bow(x) and wwg proved too much.

About 4 bounds in when I remembered to take photos

The main action towards the centre

Light horse run over the ditch to harass the baggage and get behind troops.
1 war wagon down
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