Jim and I had a rematch of Avar v Feuding Spanish over the weekend. 400ap on an 8ft x 4 ft table.
Jim had the same list as last week, kn, Ps, bd, bw and sp with El Cid in charge.
I tried something new, art, Ax, Ps, LH, kn and cv
There were a few firsts in the game for me
1. First time with artillery
2. First time with aux
3. First time with regular general in charge of irregular troops
4. First time I've gone for a hi med lo on pip dice
5. First time I've lost
6. First time using fortifications
One of those is a lie
I was the invader but did get first turn. I placed my artillery on my left flank next to the wooded hill and some light troops to protect the flank moves through the woods. My cv, kn and lh were placed in the centre and right flank mainly on a 2fe gentle hill.
Jim set up a ps and bw command to go through the wooded hill to get to my artillery A similar command plus Spear and blade opposite my artillery and my cavalry in the centre. All the knights were placed opposite my mounted units on the hill.
The decisive action was on my right flank. My left flank saw Jim's troops hack their way through the forest Painstakingly slowly and we never got into combat. The troops opposite the artillery stayed out of range and had a bbq. Only one of my artillery shot off any ammo, taking about 4 shots to kill a bw who had strayed into range.
In the centre and my right, Jim advanced his Spear, and wheeled half his knights to meet my flanking lh, whilst the other half boldly moved towards the hill.
When the clash happened it went all the knights way. Despite the advantages of a downhill charge, neither my knights nor cavalry failed to do anything against the Spanish. The lh charged the other group of knights and also failed to even push any back.
Counter attacks by the Spanish on their bound were very successful killing several of my knights and cavalry.
And that was basically it. The cavalry v Spear was just an ineffectual pushing match but prevented any redeployment to the doomed right flank.
El Cid had his revenge.

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