- Vincent Cholewa
Great to see more games being played. Is this one Hussites vs some sort of Successors?
- Mike Thorn
Vincent Cholewa still trying to figure out when to fight with different parts of the army. Interesting learning curve, at least for me anyway. Wwg do have some weird interactions
- Vincent Cholewa
The “my bound” “your bound” interactions take a little getting used to but when you step back and take a general’s view, not that of a centurion, they make sense 😊
- Mike Thorn
Agreed. Things like the way that wedge knights work vs other knights. Ignoring the overlaps was strong.
- Vincent Cholewa
Mike Thorn Seleucid wedges, as with all other single element (F) wedges, are vulnerable to light horse and are not fond of cavalry. Double-based wedges (some Byzantines and Medievals get them) are nasty nasties.
Bruce Ferguson I flank marched on both flanks as a ploy to get him to come out and fight a cavalry battle. It worked! The trouble is the first time I got a successful arrival pip was bound 7, then it rolled 1 then next two bounds. My sole command broke that bound, if my hard lap on his general had worked that bound though it would have been him rather than me. Probably better than a frontal assault on 14 war wagons though.
- Mike Thorn
I do wonder if in hindsight the frontal assault is preffered? The knight wedges are strangely efficient at killing wagons. The pike arent great for sure, but the blade and warband should hang around for a while
Mike Thorn
I need to play more games and get DBM 3.0 out of my system. So many small changes. Realised after the game a few mistakes. Like knights arent 4 vs other knights any more 🙄.

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