Sunday 8 August 2021

Medes vs Medieval French - posted by Michael Stonyer, 6 August 2021

Last Saturday at the Warlords the Medieval French attacked the Medes in what was to turn into an epic and very entertaining struggle between two very different DBMM armies

Vince Cholewa: There seem to be a ot more proto-Persians than French!

The Defender's move first, with a command of Light Horse moving quickly around the Frenchmen's Flank. Mede Heavy cavalry transfer to meet the onslaught of the KN(O). The game is a foot!
Vince Cholewa: That’s quite the opening gambit. Sort of LHb8!

Using six elements , or so, of shot to hold the line , the men of the Ordinary French Knights simply ignore the Mede's Light Horse and drive off to assault enemy line to their immediate front. 

Vince Cholewa: You nothing to me, you puny light horse!

An epic fights ensues as the French Knights strike the Mede's spear and the Mede light Cavalry. Meanwhile the Mede heavy cavalry begin to arrive in the fray. The French Men at arms have struck Mede centre and it's Bd(S) vs three ranks of Sp(I). Casualties on both side mount steadily.

Vince Cholewa: Crash! Boom!

The moment of Truth! Both the Mede and the French cavalry commands on the wing have Broken. The thinning line of Mede Sp(I) continue to hold out against the enemy's Bd(S). Mr Duncan orders the French Commander in Chief to make one last desperate attack. All eyes focus on the end game as the French Commander plunges into the Melee. For a moment even the fish and chips are forgotten, as the French General is destroyed perhaps meeting same fate as the one of his predecessors the Roman Emperor Valerian. With their Commander's destruction the Army of Medieval France Breaks and the Medes win the day. Great fun!

Vince Cholewa: I love the action shot of Graham and Ray watching.
Whitney Kimai: Awesome!

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