I'm no great Shakes as a painter (I presume that expression refers to Shakespeare . . . ) but at least I have been a bit productive during the lock down. 15mm Essex Feudal Spanish Ps - Slingers and serf/slave javelinmen.
I like the idea of a massive swarm of Ps(I) to bog down a flank and the Spanish are allowed 36 of them. I had 4 already so here are the remaining 32. I also had 2 of the possible 12 slingers so I now have 8 of them. I'll need to buy some more. I've done a couple of individual baggage elements and a double to make the mules look a bit like a mule train.
My initial plan was to paint about 120AP so I could start using them in small games, then another 100AP or so so I could play DBMM200, then expand to the full 400+. But I also like the idea of painting the cheapest troops in the army first so that if I start getting demoralised I know that the AP productivity will be increasing as I go along. So more Sp(I) next but maybe not all of what I'll eventually need, more like enough to do a 200AP army, so about 4-6 more elements.
Aaron Jackson Looking good. What’s common size armies you guys playing now? Used to be 400 pts DBM
John Edmundson 400 is still standard game size for DBMM but I don't get much opportunity to do that, being in ChCh where there isn't a lot played. I also live in a small house with a packed to the rafters garage so can't set up a proper table so I have been limited to 100-120AP games. I think now that my Spanish are expanding (I have about 120AP + an ally for my Andalusians, I can probably must about 200AP.
John Edmundson Actually it's funny you should have asked that because I've just this last couple of days been thinking about how to bridge the gap between DBMM100 and DBMM200. I'll post my thoughts when I've finalised them but would be interested in others' opinions …See More
John Edmundson Also, I am fortunate to have two captive teenage stepsons in the house whom I have been known to press-gang into a game in the past so I may get to fit in the odd game during this period of isolation.
Allen Yaxley
John Edmundson when you next come up to Wellington let me know and we can organise a game of 28mm DBMM for you at the Hutt Club. Especially if it’s on a club day weekend.
John Edmundson Allen Yaxley That would be great thank you. My wife has friends in Wellington and it's where her boys' father lives so it's not inconceivable that a trip to Wellington might occur and that I might have the opportunity to fit in a game. I wonder when domestic travel will resume . . .
Allen Yaxley
John Edmundson my wife used to have a travel business until very recently. Normal transmission will not resume for some time unfortunately.
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