So here is a little something I put together yesterday. Not to be outdone by Alistair I was up until 2am finishing them off.
Back in the real world I'm still ploughing through my "in tray" as per my last post. 80 of the little blighters completed so far.

Neil Williamson First clue
Ax(s), Ax(o), Ps(o), LH(f) and heffelumps
Any guesses?
Rob Sadler I don't have any lists but looking at elephants Burmese?
Neil Williamson No
But, second clue, you have the right book.
We'll see if anyone else can guess
Neil Williamson Well done Russell, a prize would be in the post if not for the lock down.
It is indeed Cham
Phillip Nash Great looking army. To be a pain in the arse, I am going to point out that Asian elephants are not really grey. They have a very reddish brown colour, especially in the folds of their skin and lots of reddish 'freckles'. I would suggest a wash with reickland fleshshade (GW), a drybrush with a clay-red colour on prominent areas such as ears, head and trunk too, or something similar as a quick remedy, if you are so inclined. Or, you could just tell me to piss off :)
Neil Williamson I thought Elephants were brownish too.
But then I didn't paint the army..
It was headed fake news
Neil Williamson The next virtual prize will be awarded to the correct guess as to who the army belongs to (and who should receive the credit for painting it)
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