Hong Kong DBMM competition, New Kingdom Egyptian vs Spring and Autumn Chinese - posted by Dirk Heinsius, 10 November 2019
Second game against Andrew Norrie, went somewhat better. Andrew was using Spring and Autumn Chinese, and invaded. I got enough terrain to box him in to a narrow frontage, then deployed to get great matchups. Cv(S) vs Pk(F) and Wb(F) vs Bd(F).Fantastic initial pips and moving first, meant I could close quickly, and I proceeded to demolish the Pk and Bd, without the Knight Chariots being able to be deployed.An almost complete reversal of my first game so 25-0 to me this time.
Vincent Cholewa
Do you find much difference moving between 15mm and 25/28mm?
Dirk Heinsius Vincent Cholewa It's all in the opening bounds, in that there is a lot more room for manouvre, and don't put foot on the flanks as they'll never make it into the game :-)
Mike Campbell My 15mm Kushans went to Hong Kong about 15 years ago - wonder if they are still around??
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