Kish you all over, and over again (vs Mongols and Medes) - posted by John van den Hoeven, 26 July 2020
Played 2 games yesterday with the Kish(Early Sumerian).First one against Doug Smith's Mongols I lost 3-22 and second against Paul Graham's Medes was 12-13.Great games against great opponents,next day of Winter Cup my Western Wei Chinese 532AD should be ready to go now my last order from the Assault Group has turned up.
Kelly Gay Some interesting sounding armies there! Allen Yaxley There was some lovely looking games. Brents Byzantine army that Vince used was lovely. Dougs Mongol army looked very nice. The artillery in particular.
Paul’s game against John was very nice to look at. Both very nice armies. Every one involved had ni…See More Allen Yaxley Hasn’t this face book group been great for our hobby and DBMM in particular. Thanks Vince. I’m sure you have facilitated many gamers back to the dark side.
All the new armies and the fact that we are actually meeting , playing games and socialising.
Not to mention walking around to the bakery for a “steak & kidney” pie with cream/apple donut chaser. 😜 Vincent Cholewa
Allen Yaxley thank you. I really appreciate your kind comments. I thoroughly enjoy our hobby and the many friendships I have because of it. It is a pleasure to be able to share it and encourage others to join in.
Russell Briant Ah, the Kish of Death.
Do you know what figures Doug uses fo his Mongols?
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