There were three games at Warlords this weekend, Graham and Paul recreated the battle of Carrhae with a set of rules that are older than I am, Michael's Hussites and Alistair's Ottomans fought over who was the better anti-Catholic and Mark's Alans faced off against Stoney's 'Romans' from Germania and Illiricum (general commanding the battle:
Vincent Cholewa
Great to see a game of 7th Edition being played as well as DBMM. Thanks for posting, Josh.
7th Edition: Rules published before most SF and fantasy gamers were born!
Once upon a time there was a wargaming shop in Wellington
The Battle of Two Grahams: Graham Starkey (Parthian) and Paul Graham (Roman)
7th Edition game inspired by Carrhae
Romans and Parthians
Mark Pickup (Alans) vs Micael Stonyer (Middle Imperial Roman)
Mark Pickup (Alans)
Michael Stonyer (Middle Imperial Roman)
Alastair Duncan (Ottoman Turks)
Mike Thorn (Hussites)
Ottoman Turks
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