Celebrating the life of Brent Senior-Partridge: Last night a group of us gathered for dinner to celebrate Brent and reminisce.
Richard Foster could not make it (it’s a long way from Thames!) so he phoned in to share his fond memories. Even a broken arm after a fall last week and the chaos that was Wellington traffic congestion following a slip at Petone last night could not keep Richard Mason away. It was wonderful to see everyone.
If one word can summarise a person, then for Brent that word is “generous”. Again and again that word was used to describe how Brent behaved. Foster added “humour and honesty”, which everyone would agree with.
A huge thank you to Alastair Duncan for organising the evening, and for being our MC and poet. Paul Graham is again running the DBMM competition at Call to Arms and will have a trophy made to commemorate Brent.
As for me, I will be bringing out “Brent’s Byzantines” again. A few years ago I was chatting to Brent and said it would be fun, but probably a little silly, to create an all mounted Maurikian Byzantine army. He said he had a box of Hinchcliffe Byzantine figures that I could use. I said it was just a pipe dream and I didn’t really want to buy the army. Brent said he wasn’t selling it but, instead, was giving it to me on the condition I painted it and used it. And then he said he trusted me to do that. Well, I didn’t let him down. It is painted and based, and I won Call to Arms using it! Brent, was happy 😊

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