- Jeff Ikztillit Enjoyed my gaming under these rules sets a lot more than I have since they were 'replaced'..! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¨
- Aaron Jackson I have them somewhere too
- Robin Sutton Vincent Cholewa Guilty as charged 🥴
- Jeff Ikztillit Vincent Cholewa Yep.., I started with WRG 3rd Ed... 😊😉
- Mike Campbell Vincent Cholewa +2 for fanatics first round of combat.... which was that??
- Jeff Ikztillit 'Hostile Huns'...! :-)
- Robin Sutton Cohorts of Airfix plastic Romans .. ee them were the days 🥴
- Tilman Dang Mike Campbell +2 for impetuous in first turn of melee was 6th edition, so "fanatics" must be 5th or older. Wrg renaissance which was à clone of 5th (right?) didn't have fanatics iirc, so my guess is 4th
- Phil Malthus Mike Campbell 4th Ed
- Brendan Moyle I was a 7th Edition guy
- Tilman Dang Josh Barton 6th was very competitive in Europe and better rules knowledge (which was like learning the Bible by heart with so many rules hidden somewhere...) rendered your opponent a hapless target, quite frustrating to play 6th against an opponent who could use the rules like that to pelt you at will.
- Josh Barton
Tilman Dang ah I get that it sounds a bit like Warhammer, which has become terrible for 'got'ya' moments of hidden or army-specific rules that can win a game if your opponent doesn't know about them.
Glad DBMM isn't like that anymore then! - Alastair Donald With 6th, shooting was too powerful. For every 1/2 casualty per figure (in the unit) - so of you had a 16 figure unit, 8 casualties on the casualty table was a -1 on your fighting score, as I recall, and it accumulated. A lot of shooting hits led to you being unable to generate any casualties in the subsequent melee. My Spartans could be easily shot into ineffectiveness. Which was weird as they were Reg B Heavy Infantry with Shield!
- Kevin O'Kane 3rd edition was placed by some enlightened person in the Dunedin Public Library. A J Duncan and I (separately) were led astray by finding this gem and reading it.
- Jeff Ikztillit What an enlightened patron of the library..!? :-)
- Phil Malthus that time machine was worth every penny ..
Andrew Norrie I started with 7th edition back in the late '80s.
- Ion A Dowman I think I still have two of those. Damned if I know why.
- Dave Madigan Think I played 2 games of 7th, hated it. Didn't play ancients again until DBM 2.1.
- Ion A Dowman I liked DBM concept, but got disgusted on account of all the faffing around with the rule sets, and the rules lawyerism. But the other problem with it is that it is very hard to find historical opponents. My 10th-11th Century Byzantines never got an historical opponent except another 10th-11th Century Byzantine.
I enjoyed beating the crap out of Romans, though.
- Kenneth Chan I started with the FIFTH
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