Sunday 7 July 2019

Rules question about flank marches - posted by John van den Hoeven, 5 July 2019

I was watching a game at the Warlords today.Both Russell and Brent had flank marches on the same flank. Brent's came on forcing Russell's smaller one back which on his turn flees on automatically and doesn't need PIPs which is as I understand it.Because he only rolled a 1 with an off table general that means he couldn't bring them on as was discussed but I think they come on back on his flank automatically as flee moves.Any thoughts appreciated.
    • Vincent Cholewa Hi John why do you say the smaller flank march flees onto the table? My reading of page 31 is that the smaller flank march still dices to march on, all its train is lost, and any elements without PIPs to march on are lost. That means roll “1” and the entire smaller command is lost.
    • John van den Hoeven OK no worries we got a bit confused and I was only the spectator🤔
    • John Edmundson Yes. I looked back over it to check. The smaller (driven back) flank march isn't surprised so doesn't flee. I think though that if the flank march is all regular, it could arrive on a roll of 1. One pip minus one for off table, plus one for all regular. Am I right?
      • Vincent Cholewa John Edmundson I think you are right. One less PIP is expended if the group is entirely of regulars including a sub or ally general. That would mean on a PIP score of “1” a regular general and all regular elements in a group with him must come on together. Any irregulars would be lost. Any regulars that could not fit on the table would also be lost.
      • John van den Hoeven Oh OK fair enough.
John van den Hoeven No its 2 pips whether your regular or irregular. Now i read through it it's very clear,thanks Vince.
  • Neil Williamson I think Vince is correct John . On pg 27 its an extra PIP for being off the table, but 1 less PIP for a regular commander in charge of regulars. Any irregulars would have to sacrifice themselves into a separate group so the regulars could enter the table. (or maybe they just run away)
  • John van den Hoeven Yes i do agree now.Glad we got this sorted.

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