Monday 15 July 2019

100 Years War English vs Early Imperial Romans - [posted by Josh Barton, 13 July 2019

A few photos from a very enjoyable game against Dirk Heinsius's early Imperial Romans.
The English gave a hard-refused flank, and tried to advance quickly covered by the river. However the Romans managed to deploy second (bugger!) removing the element of surprise and leading to one legion being deployed on the correct side of the river.
On top of a load of tough blade holding the line, and pinning down one of the English commands, a small ambush of light horse disrupted the other two commands as a horde of German warband and second legion swung round toward the English flank and prepared to cross the river.
Thankfully the English shooting showed its superiority and disheartened the Germans as they came across the river. That didn't stop them from claiming 2 bow (S) and 3 Bd(S), as well as the artillery, leading to the largest English command breaking.
Things were looking desperate for the English and the gambit looked like a disastrous failure, but Henry Percy led the small mounted reserve against the engaged Roman legion and Auxilia, as the Irish Kerns also trapped the Roman general. The charge proved enough, as 2 blade, and 2 aux and a general fell in one bound, breaking the Legion, as well as the remaining warband, giving the English a close and bloody victory.
As always, thanks to Dirk for a fun game, and for adequately countering my flank-march. The river somewhat paid off, and the artillery was definitely MVP for the English. I'm still terrified of warband, but I'm increasingly confident fighting Bd(O) with Bw(S)!

Dirk Heinsius Try as I might I just can’t defeat 100 years war English.

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