Monday 12 August 2024

Bretons and disguised Saxon Wb(s) - asked by Julian Hannam, 7 August 2024

Question about Bretons and disguised Saxon Wb(s). the risk of prewarning all future opponents, the rules say that the disguised troops are represented, in this case, by Hd(O), but fight ast Wb(s).
So ... does this mean that for maximum benefit the Hd(O) should be in two ranks, so that the Wb(S) when the 'pop up' then get maximum combat bonus of two ranks? I don't think Hd(O) get rank bonuses so bad for them, good for the Saxons.

Thoughts anyone? (Picture deliberately misleading but fun) 

Russell Briant
Top contributor
I’d be putting hordes in more than one rank in any case, even if they don’t get rear rank support.
Hordes you want to act as tar-baby, absorbing and holding an enemy attack.… 
See more
Julian Hannam replied
1 Reply
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Psiloi, Horde and Artillary die if they are immediately behind a friendly element that was in frontal contact with the opposition and that element dies. So Horde best in single rank/s with space between if you want reserves.
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
In answer to your question, they will be Warband as soon as contact is made so could be in two ranks but then that could be a giveaway to your opponents....not that you are planning to do it.
Tilman Dang
As horde happen to be 3 cm deep and 2 ranks of wb are the same I would see no issue in replacing 1 element of hd with 2 of wb on contact....
Many people who field horde do put them down two ranks deep.
So in my view, either is ok
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Tilman Dang I think Julian’s army will be 28mm. 30mm deep is for 15mm. 25/28mm are 40mm deep.
James Hook
Top contributor
This whole post is a clever psychological ploy. Now opponents will run from his two ranks of Hd !!
Russell Briant
Top contributor
James Hook exactly………or is it?????
Julian Hannam
Top contributor
Russell Briant even I don’t know now… or do I?!

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