Monday 20 May 2024

Which plastic figures to use for Irr Wb(O)? Asked for Chris Blacker, 20 May 2023

Which plastic figures to use for warband (Irr Wb(O)), suitable for inclusion in a Late Imperial Romans? These look okay. Chris Blackler

GBP03 Dark Age Warriors

Vincent Cholewa
From WRG’s Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome
May be a doodle of text that says 'D 109 110 be descended from'
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Julian Hannam
If I was doing these guys, and very tempted, then I’d use a combo of Victrix late Roman infantry, and early saxons. There are armoured and unarmoured sets, and barbari heads. On the other hand Vixtrix do acomplex sets with lots of bits. The gripping beast set is perfectly adequate but an ‘old’ set now.
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Vincent Cholewa
Julian Hannam thank you 👍
Chris Blackler Julian has a suggestion
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Denis Grey
I wondered about Victrix, discounted them because their early Saxons seemed too hirsute and northern, but then went back in the light of Julian Hannam's comment. At which point I noticed that the Unarmoured Late Romans include some Germanic/Goth variants using "some minor conversions from Dark Age Archers set".
Late Roman Unarmoured Infantry
Late Roman Unarmoured Infantry
Late Roman Unarmoured Infantry
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Vincent Cholewa
Many thanks, Denis GreyChris Blackler a bit more about the Victrix box set
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Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
There's also these from Wargames Atlantic:
Goth Warriors
Goth Warriors
Goth Warriors
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Vincent Cholewa
Andrew Bennetts thank you. Chris Blackler but wait, there's more!

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