Monday 27 May 2024

Scythian archer - shared by John Dods, 26 May 2024

Russell Briant
Top contributor
Evocative painting but having read Mike Loades Osprey on the Composite Bow yesterday that seems a most unlikely way to string a Scythian bow.
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Russell Briant
Top contributor
May be an image of book and text
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James Hook
Rising contributor
Indeed. The bowstring misses the bottom of the bow and is connected to the horses halter !!!!
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Russell Briant
Top contributor
James Hook hah! I hadn’t picked that up. It was the top connection I had seen.
Has this been doctored? Surely an artist wouldn’t have put in all that work and then spoil it.
AI painting?
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John Way
Rising contributor
AI drawn. Several other things wrong too.

Keith V Trye

As an archer of 40plus years experience, the bow string has to be in line with the tips of the limbs of the bow and the middle of the bow, any deviation will cause the bow to de-string and the arrow to not fly true, on release.
I have shoot a old style asiatic compound bow, i thought the bow was going to break, as the limbs nearly bent in double, but it shoot well!!
Modern recurve bows do not flex as much!

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