Monday 27 May 2024

Assyrian Kallapani - posted by Dirk Heinsius, 28 May 2024

I have been practicing my 3d sculpting and kitbashing skills, to produce an Assyrian Kallapani. Now to get Che to print it.

David Wilson
Amazing work and such a cool-looking unit.
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
What David Wilson said 👍
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Potbelly Miniatures
Rising contributor
And right there is a #1 reason I always looked past an Elamite army. 28mm chariots for $50 a pop...
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
These will cost $50 to print!?
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Vincent Cholewa replied
2 Replies
John van den Hoeven
Yes an Elamite army has always appealed.
Alastair Duncan
Top contributor
EV or hybrid????

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