Monday 27 May 2024

Spot prizes or Levin DBMM competition, July 20-21 - posted by Vince Cholewa, 27 May 2024

Levin DBMM Competition, Levin Cosmopolitan Club, 20-21 July 2024, Imperial Rome and its enemies
Yes, we will have spot prizes again this year, one each round for acts of cunning and courage:
· Needle: psiloi destroyed enemy element.
· Handbag: baggage fought and won.
· The Count: tahi, rua, toru! (1, 2, 3 on PIP dice).
· Survivor DBMM, rolled 1 and won.
Registrations are open, $40 for the two days, email me and the rules of engagement are here 

Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Vincent Cholewa is there a bring and buy?
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Vincent Cholewa
Ben Vartok yes. Last year one complete army and another part army were sold ðŸ˜Š

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