Sunday 5 May 2024

Where to source shield transfers? Asked by Chris Blackler, 5 May 2024

Advice wanted on where to source shield transfers. Thank you in advance

Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Michael Stonyer and Russel Russell Briant these are for Chris’ Romans. Can you help?
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Russell Briant
Top contributor
Vincent Cholewa either of Little Big Man (get the transfers for the manufacture of shields) or Veni Vedi Vici will do fine. VVV are a solid color.
What sort of Romans.
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Russell BriantChris Blackler has LI Romans. Chris is considering Julian’s army in the west.
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Russell Briant
Top contributor
Providing shields are flat or curve in just one plain the LBMS are fine and the better patterns in my view.
Michael Stonyer
Hi Chris, I use Little Bigman Transfers. I've always found they have a resonable choice of shield designs suitable for all the major miniature manuafactures. This is backed up by a fast and efficient service. regards
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David Billinghurst
Veni Vidi Vici - not as elaborate as Little Big Men but much easier to use.
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Ben Vartok
Top contributor
LBMS are great even if the Etruscan, Samnite, Macedonian and many others seem to get the same designs. I second VVV, they are oldstyle waterslide, once dry you can highlight them and they matt nicely with varnish.

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