Monday 20 May 2024

Hebrews - posted by Josh Barton, 15 May 2024

The current 'state' of the Hebrew army. Well over half way toward 450pts now and I think about 80 models to 400pts

Aaron Jackson
Excuse my ignorance but what’s on the far right? I can’t see clearly? Bases with no figures or hiding figures?
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Josh Barton
Aaron Jackson yep, that's the work in progress
Alastair Duncan
So it's an army with only base instincts?
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Dirk Heinsius
Really nice work
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Dirk Heinsiusthanks Dirk! I'd love to have a game with your Egyptians once I'm done. It'll look good and be historical (ish?)

Kent Galpin
Stunning army, who makes the minis
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Potbelly Miniatures replied
3 Replies
John Way
Rising contributor
oi vey!
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Looking good 👍
Which list are you using?
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Josh Barton
Top contributor
Vincent Cholewa Later biblical hebrews, the early list under David

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