Sunday 18 August 2019

Absolutely cracking game, English vs Hussites - posted by Josh Barton, 17 August 2019

Some photos of my absolutely cracking game against Alistair Duncan today at Wellington Warlords. English vs Hussites.

The English gambled on getting a river, but sadly managed to roll double 1s. They did however get two woods on their side of the board courtesy of the Hussites resulting in two well-protected flanks.

Both sides pushed up with a strong right flank, moving around the difficult terrain. The Irish kerns were sent in to disrupt the Hussite flank march and performed excellently delaying them for 4 turns and even taking a war wagon down before they were chased off. Overall however, the Bohemians got the better of the early exchanges, taking out several longbowmen to no losses.

Things began to change for the English as their Bd(S) made contact with the Hussite left and quickly broke through the layered pits, stakes and warwagons. The English centre began their advance, but the need to bring the guns with them, and three 1s in a row for pip die slowed them to a crawl.

The centres eventually met, as the English left ran out of space to retreat to and began to disintegrate - the knights bravely withdrawing to preserve their ME and motivate the other soldiers. A detachment of five Bd(S) from the English centre faced off against Huss himself, but the charging Kn(O) quickly put the English on a countdown to defeat.

As it was the longbowmen and artillery managed to break the Hussite centre just as news was coming through the the English left had finally collapsed and the baggage captured. The end result was a draw.

I think this was the best game of DBMM I've ever had - it was very tactical, with about 10 bounds before we even made contact with each other and then lots of skirmishing and re-positioning. As expected Alistair played an excellent game and is great fun to play against, and his warwagons proved really hard to breakdown. The Ps(S) again proved invaluable, and I'm looking forward to having 20-30 of them with my Greeks!

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