Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Medieval French and allies vs 100 YW English and allies - posted by Lorricount Du ho, 16 February 2025


A sense of foreboding was palpable over the field of battle.
Bowman, Burgher, Knight and Spear stood ready. A word from their high King Philip would release them onto the serried ranks of the Black Prince and drive the perfidious Englishman and his subjects from the field and continent for finality.
The time had come!
The ravens had gathered.
The ranks advanced.
The turncoat hounds of the Company of the Rose held the French right flank, beside Philip and his courageous yet impetuous gendarmerie, both mounted and foot.
The stoic Lowlanders held the centre in their ordered ranks, piles held proud, linstocks smoking, ready to pour fire into the Teuton wedges afore.
Noble Burgundy held the hill of the left flank, the lynchpin upon which Philip’s force would swing and crush the rebel foe.
The dropped right fist of Philip and the onslaught began.
But wait! A ripple of movement amongst those Teutonic devils. Sunlight flashing from hideous beasts and wings of steel, the entire force swung left to reinforce their Spanish compatriots and drive the Gascon scum back into the marsh from which they came.
Bereft of a forward foe, Flanders plodded forward, the crafty screen of Teuton turcopoles leading them a merry dance.
On the French left flank? A stalemate between Burgundian and Navarre.
Navarre’s paid English dogs refuse to advance- the Black Prince’s gold does not suffice. Repeated entreaty, threat and plea fails to move them forward.
The ravens shall starve on this side of the field today…….
The ground trembles to the sound of armoured horse. The air resounds to the smash of knight. Blood sprays, man and horse are dashed to the ground never to rise.
Men of the Rose and France hold bravely but on this day none can hold against the right hand of God. The Teuton and the Spaniard are invincible.
His marshals dead, his forces fleeing from the field, Philip is escorted wounded back to the arms of his Parisian princess.
The day is lost. God speaks English today.
Night falls on a field of dead; these vales have never seen the like, not will again methinks.
Surely no just God would allow a worse slaughter on these green fields of Normandy…….
From the far flung marsh, the sounds of clanking armour, and English curses
“Which wanker stuck us in this bloody marsh?!”
English translation of the Chinese report:
The Headmaster, Tony the Vet, Stylish and Young Korean Professor (J.C.), Mainland China Chief DBMM Trainer Kwan, George Cowans were invited by Neil Burnett to Neil's Yaumati Base, to play the final battle of Chris Doran's DBMM Hundred Years Wars Campaign. It is a 800AP per side game.
The original plan is that Professor Chris (Chris Doran) and Professor Sexton (Matthew Sexton) will join the game, but they have other matters to attend to and cannot come.
There is a 12 foot x 5 foot Board Table in Neil's Yaumati Base. We have only used 9 foot x 5 foot today. The place is spacious and top class. I consider it to be the best venue available for us at the moment. After the battle, Tony the Vet is planning to use this venue to play multi-player large miniature wargames battles. eg.: Battle of Waterloo
In this battle, despite my mother has passed away, I found myself still have the extraordinary 6th sense special ability. On two occasions, there was a flash in my mind just before my correct forecast of the event immediately following.
The French and its Free Companies, Low Countries, Early Burgundian Allies were attacking. The English and its Navar, Teutonic Knights, Medieval Spanish Allies were defending.
Finally, the French and its Allies were on the lower hand. The French army and the smallest Command of the Free Company were broken. We have an exciting and joyful afternoon.
The following is the Battle Report written by Tony the Vet in English. He is the Acting Commander in Chief of the English and its Allies Forces.
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Many thanks for the battle report and pics Lorricount 😊
You played in Hong Kong?
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