What are "pauncenars"? - posted by Josh Barton, 25 January 2019
Sorry to keep asking questions, but could anyone tell me what pauncenars were in the 100 years war? Froissart mentions them as paid as much as mounted archers, but I can't find anything else about how they were armed, who they were etc.
Vincent Cholewa
Nothing to be sorry for. Asking questions, and hopefully getting at least half-way sensible answers, is one of the things this page is for. From memory, pauncenars were lance-armed cavalry less heavily armoured than knights. Unfortunately, I don’t have any references for this period. Gary Lewis and Richard Foster, can you help?
Russell Briant FoG lists them as an option in their 100 Year War English list. German “pauncenar” spearman. Heavy Infantry. Armoured. defensive spearman.
So continental armoured foot?
Vincent Cholewa
Russell Briant that would have me completely wrong 🙃
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