Tuesday, 11 March 2025

An excellent transition in progress!
As most of you know by now, Aventine Miniatures is being taken over by new owners. Adam and myself will assist them in the process and supply support as they enter our world of little men. Garry has prepared a short statement by way of an introductiion.
" Hello, my name is Garry McFarland and I am soon to be the new owner of Aventine miniatures.
I live in Northern Ireland and the business will be staying here, and we will continue the current lines and keep on adding to them.
(Adam will continue being the sculptor)
I lived in Canada for many years and have a background in manufacturing from my time there.
I have been miniature gaming for about 20 years, although I only got into ancients in the last 9 years.
My son, Connor, will be working in the business with me.
Keith and Adam are being very helpful, we have started to work with them learning how the business works. We are excited about the future of Aventine Miniatures."
I hope this will help you all in understanding that Aventine is not going away and will continue in much the same fashion as it presently operates now.

I wish Garru and Connor

I wish Garry and Connor all the success for the future. 

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