Monday 16 September 2024

Recoil! Round 1 update - posted by Neil Williamson, 14 September 2024

Round 1 results
Phil Malthus
all power to the Irish

What a handsome fellow
Vincent Cholewa
The face of a man who scored 23/25 👍😊
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Philip Gates
Vincent Cholewa and then lost 23/25!
Allen, Irish far v Phil's Quadi

Typical Irish trick

Peter, Hephthalite, contemplating.
Bruce Ferguson
If the light horse are Hephthalights are the elephants Hephalumpheavies?
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Vincent Cholewa
“Dad! What are you doing?” 😝

Shay's English prefer the box deployment

Another handsome fellow

Another handsome fellow
Richard deploying his Egyptians v Graham's Lusitanians

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