Tuesday 3 September 2024

Call to Arms: random pics - posted by Vince Cholewa, 3 September 2024

Hello all, here’s a few random pics from Wellington Warlords’ annual Call to an Arms at St Patrick’s College, Wellington at the weekend. Thank you so much to Paul Graham for running the DBMM competition - we had 18 on the field at any one time but at least two came off the bench due to illness and a flat tyre. A special thank you to Alastair Duncan and Martha for your lovely hospitality, putting me up on Saturday night, I very much appreciated it. And thank you to my four opponents, Bruce Ferguson (Later Hungarian), Raymond Dick (Komnenan Byzantines), Alastair Duncan (Khmer) and Michael Stonyer (Middle Imperial Roman). I will post about our games later. 


Our patron, St Patrick

A wee vignette among the trees on the table inspired by Dunsinane Hill and Birnam Forest.

Michael Stonyer’ Roman camp

Most cunning player …

… it says so on the back.

Banquo - unofficial trophy for general slayer

Some of Michael Stonyer’s middle Roman legions
Kelly Gay
I like that basing too. Wonder how it is done?
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Vincent Cholewa
Kelly Gay Michael Stonyer can explain
Ben Vartok
May I borrow this picture for a while.....
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Vincent Cholewa
Ben Vartok Michael Stonyer “owns” the IP and is the artist 👨‍🎨

Michael Stonyer’s middle Roman Praetorians

And when I got home 🏡

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