Tuesday 3 September 2024

Call to Arms, this weekend - posted by Vince Cholewa, 28 August 2024

If you are in Wellington at the weekend, check out one of New Zealand’s biggest wargaming events, Wellington Warlords' annual Call to Arms, August 31-September 1 at St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie, Wellington. All up about 150 people will be taking part.
Paul Graham will be running the 25/28mm DBMM competition with 18 playing for the Brent Senior-Partridge Trophy - I will be using Mitanni.
The pics are some of what I am bringing and the trophy. Richard Foster I have not forgotten the “reinforcements” I am bringing for your army; your secret is safe until the moment you unleash them in a wave of glory!



The Brent Senior-Partridge Trophy

Some of my Mitanni, 1274 BC

For Philip Gates, his prizes from the Levin DBMM Competition earlier this year. The theme was Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome, and Phil was the first Roman. There are also some packets of Old Glory figures he bought

For Graham Starkey, more Old Glory figures

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