Monday 9 September 2024

Interlocking measuring sticks - posted by John Edmundson, 6 September 2024

A little while ago someone asked about measuring sticks and I said I'd post up an image of mine. Then I forgot . . .
Art (o) and (s) range is achieved by locking the staggered ends of the two Mounted sticks (LH and other) to make 560p (320+240 or 360+200).

Anyway, here's an image which I hope can be of assistance to someone. I don't think there are any errors.

Julian Hannam
Top contributor
I will immediately see if I can get some of them cut in green perspex, FTW (For the Win - not F#$k the World!).
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John Edmundson
Top contributor
Julian Hannam It's probably worth checking the info first but I think it has all movement and shooting - naval movement is a pain!
I did them for 15mm but obviously everything should just scale up. I'm going to get them cut in clear perspex. The only other things I'll need then is the element frontage square and equilateral triangle :^)
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Julian Hannam
Top contributor
John Edmundson perfect, I told my man to make it 60mm instead of 40mm. I’ll let you know how it goes. Great work by the way.
Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
Julian Hannam Mark did some measuring sticks for me in green perspex that I have good use from. However any etching does not show up well in the green so I'd advise clear perspex if you are looking to use John's templates
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John Edmundson
Top contributor
Andrew Bennetts Alternatively, get some colour into the etched bits? Maybe?
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Andrew Bennetts
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John Edmundson I did try to get some white into the etching but it wasn't successful. I have separate 160p, 200p, 240p, 320p and 400p half element wide strips, and have applied sticky labels so I can tell the 200p from the 240p ðŸ˜ƒ
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John Edmundson
Top contributor
Andrew Bennetts I think* clear perspex should mean the etching itself shows up a bit.
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Julian Hannam
Top contributor
Andrew Bennetts thanks Benny, I’ll do that
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