Monday 16 September 2024

Neo-Hititte with 3 ally generals? Asked by Josh Barton, 13 September 2024

Has anyone tried the Neo-Hittite list with 3 ally generals?

Is it fun(ny), and is it playable?

Philip Gates
Top contributor
It's DBMM, give yourself 15 years and you'll be fine.
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Andrew Crampton
Death or Glory and let the chariots roll
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Josh Barton
Top contributor
Andrew Cramptonit is kinda tempting, although three 1s and there's not much rolling going on 🤣
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Andrew Crampton
Unless they are in front. Makes it tricky not to attack an unreliable ally
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Josh Barton
Top contributor
Andrew Cramptonyeah that's a good point I think having to take the minima for each command puts me off. I can't just throw out a wall of Ax(O) or similar as a block that I can eventually make move if needs be
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
It can be a bit hit and miss.....
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Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Actually no but I did try Early Crusaders with 2 ally generals for a few games. They both went unreliable in the last, and last, game with that command structure. It was neither fun or fun(ny) for me but hey go for it......
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Josh Barton
Top contributor
Ben Vartok yeah I imaging that one game in 216 where all three go unreliable will just be a forfeit
Barry Norris
I ran Early Crusader with 3 allies. Certainly makes the first PIP roll exciting. The major problem is not unreliability but the requirement for compulsory troops with each ally.
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Josh Barton
Top contributor
Barry Norris aaaah I hadn't thought about that! That's a deal breaker, so thanks for the heads up

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