Many thanks to Ivan and our Auckland friends for having us back up to Pukekohe for Heavy Metal Con. A great weekend's gaming, including one of my most enjoyable ever against John's Teutonic Knights.
Did you run two different lists?
Russell Briant
yes, Middle Anglo Saxon (Mercian, 400 pts) on Saturday, Feudal English (1260 ish AD, 450 pts) on Sunday.
Who would be able to give me a set of results please>
The standoff - I have superior warband behind some of the inferior spear, he has blades. But my flank march is just about to arrive in the distance.
Nick threw in the blades, which predictably killed off the front rank of spears. But then I charged in with 2 warband generals and 16 warband, all superior in two ranks. Perhaps less completely predictably, all 9 blade plus supporting psiloi just melted away.
Game 3, deployment of my Feudal English against John 's Teutonic Order. The plan was to use the terrain in shot, and another one out of the bottom of the shot, to win on the flanks and hope that I could suck the Germans into exposing their flanks.
Here they come, 6 wedges of superior knights, including 2 generals. I kept the bows in single ranks and lost 12 in very short order, plus 6 of my knights once the battle really started. But by then I had shot up all the supports on my right flank and also got the enemy general with a hard flank once he had come too far forward. Then I managed to get a shot on the rear element of a wedge (which is inferior) and killed it. In the very last combat I had a wedge fighting to both front and rear, but didn't manage to kill it. Time called with each of us on 40% losses but I got the extra point for the general. Like I said, one of the best games ever.
Final game against Al's Spartans. I wasn't too confident going in.
The view from the Spartan side. Al came out fast, and soon killed off 10 bows and a couple of spear.
They may be pretty but they fight like shit. Don't quick kill anything and plenty of things quick-kill them.
But they are impervious to irregular Bow(s). Both against John's Teutonics and your Spartans there were several occasions where that +1 rather than +2 for regular made all the difference.

But I got the knights in, 6 double ranks plus 2 of my generals. 3 charges, 2 counterattacks later, and many Spartiates had gone to heroic deaths.This is how it ended.
Yeah, quite a few Spartiates going home on their shields. In the intervening bounds I had isolated Kn stuck on the front of surviving Spartiates or supporting Periokoi and didn't kill ONE of the barst**ds - which is my only way of getting them. I didn't hold out much hope with the SpS - at 2ME a death it doesn't take too many of them to die to take out a command. I also lost a flanking Spartan general who got charged by a Kn general - I threw a 5 and thought "phew" and then Gary threw a 6... If I'd been playing a strategic game I would have turtled up between the wood and the vineyard as I was ahead on tournament points going into the last round - but I'm not strategic.
Funnily enough, while I was worried that you would 'turtle up', having now actually seen the results of my attack, I think it would have ended even quicker, as you would have lost all the same Spartiates to my knights but not even had them killing as many of my bows.
I’d have spread the attack over the three commands and gone deep. We’d have been badly hit but still there depending on how the flank attacks had progressed. Supposition.

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