I have almost finished 12 Chariots for my first DBMM Army. I reckon I am about 60 to 70% done on the Army and hope to have it finished by Xmas but am not banking on it. I am waiting for some shield transfers to finish three of the Chariots. They are a mix of Victrix and Renegade.
Don’t these look good! Well done

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See Translation
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Russell Briant
I just tried the "see translation" button. I did not know she is part of your whanau
Neil Williamson
. Auntie Bou? Heck yes! Now she really would “ ‘ave ya guts for garters!”
Do you remember when she lead a bunch a fans down to watch Iceni FC play away at Colchester - One - nwil! One - nwil! One - nwil! One - nwil!
Russell Briant
Read the book, seen the film, seen the TV series, been to the temple/Castle, been to the pub, just didn't get round to buying the tee shirt.
I lived in Colchester for 6 years and I'm sure my wife can trace her ancestry back to her lol
Neil Williamson
you win! I’ve only stood next to the Victorian bronze statue across the road from Big Ben.
Russell Briant
we lived in Essex for 11 years which is the primary reason I’m starting with an Ancient British Army.
Very nice, renegade Miniatures are great.

Fantastic job. Are they cut out LBM shield transfers on the chariots?
Neil Williamson
yes they were a real pain to apply to start with, but I soon got the hang of it.
We cant have these new johnnys turning up with flash figures and shaming us all . Airfix with solid wheels was good enough for Brent Senior Partridge and they were good enough for me. Signed. Jealous of Brooklyn.........
I started with the Airfix Celts while my Brother had the Romans, but that was in the early 1970's.
... though I don’t have a brother...
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