Alert Level 4 Project Complete!
South Welsh 1118-44. OK, more a morph really as only only the Bw and Ps(O) are new, the rest come from my Breton and Anglo-Norman collections. But still a new army in the stable.
More new Bow and Psiloi. Army Painter shading doesn't stand up to close inspection but certainly helps to churn through basic figures like these. Cavalry and Auxilia in the background are Breton and Anglo-Norman Welshry respectively.
Archers are all new work - using Army Painter shading method. Warband behind are the existing ally from the Anglo Normans
And of course you have to have Vikings! Again, not new but the Ally contingent from the Bretons. Baggage in the background is my generic 'Early Medieval' set. Some specifically Welsh additions (sheep!) will be added in due course.
Horse holders and Psiloi are new. Cavalry are from the Bretons. Bow are from the Anglo-Normans.
Keith V Trye My South and North Welsh lockdown project. Go the Welsh
Andrew Bennetts Wow - thoroughly out-welshed - what a great sight. I have bare metal for North Welsh but they may have to wait for a bit
Keith V Trye Most of them are old Battleline minatures, that have been kicking around for years unpainted
Andrew Bennetts Keith V Trye I looked at Battleline for my Welsh archers but in the end went with Old Glory as I think Batteline are too small to mix with what I already had. But great for a standalone collection like you've put together - awesome!
Keith V Trye Andrew Bennetts my Archers and spearmen are Battleline, the HC, Knights, Vikings etc are 28mm plastics. They do look a bit weird together. But we use what we have got to hand.
Andrew Bennetts Are they likely to be ready if we do something at Queen's Birthday?
Nick Buckby That’s a lot of close harmony singing there.
Andrew Bennetts They are a real mixture. The new archers are all Old Glory. The Vikings are the now unavailable Wargames Factory plastics. The mounted are mainly Conquest Games plastic Normans while most of the other foot is Gripping Beast. All have a few character models from other manufacturers thrown in for variety
Alastair Duncan Did i see Harry Secombe and Tom Jones in the rear ranks and where's Rob Brydon???
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