Do ally generals have to keep with the same minimum element numbers as the main force? (e.g. if I was to take Thesselian allies with my Thebans in 362 would I have to take 4 Reg Cav(O) from both nations, and have 16 Irr Ps(S) in the Thesselian command as well as the 4 - 12 Irr Ps(I) in the Theban command on top of the hoplites?).
I've looked in the rulebook but I can't seem to find any discussion of it.
John Garvey It’s at the beginning of the list books. IIRC an ally has to have between 1/4 of the minimum and 1/3 of the maximum of any compulsory troop type and none of the optional troops. In the lists you will find many exceptions to this general rule, and there are differences between foreign and same nation allies.
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Josh Barton
ah brilliant, I didn't look there! Thank you :)
John Garvey Ok, same nation allies must have at least 1/4 of each of the compulsory troop types, but can have non compulsory troops.
Josh Barton
ah okay - and in the Greek list 2/5 it also says that "since they did not change sides on the battlefield they are treated as if of the same nation" does that mean they can share the Reg general dice pool and cannot be unreliable, or just that they are never unreliable?
John Garvey Only that they never changed sides (unless in a civil war, which for the Greeks it is almost compulsory?)
John Garvey Note they _can_ be unreliable, but won’t change sides. So they can still sulk.
Josh Barton
John Garvey Ah thank you :) Hmm, if they can still be unreliable I'm not sure if paying 38AP for an unreliable general is worth it just to get access to 12 Ax(S) (or Sx(S) as it says in the list!)
Indeed I think 2/5 is the only list all of the major nations share as an enemy
Vincent Cholewa
Josh Barton why is the ally general 38AP? That is more than my Byzantine CnC who is Reg Cv(S) double-based with a back rank of Cv(O).
Josh Barton
ah I think I mis-read the tables on page 12 (allied general is +10 cost, but then that won't be on top of the +20 for C-in-c/sub-general's element!)
Which is great actually :D it's only 18 ap
Josh Barton
Vincent Cholewa Thank you for pointing my mistake out, I should read things more closely :) I guess I was thinking that 38AP would be a way of discouraging excessive use of allies to plug gaps (thinking from another game), but I'm glad that I was wrong