Sunday 9 June 2024

Redesigned kallapani - posted by Dirk Heinsius, 5 June 2024

Following some very highly respected feedback, the Kallapani have been redesigned, with new wheels, mules instead of horses, and the driver has a goad instead of reins.

Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
The flatbed version. Looking good 👍
John van den Hoeven
Top contributor
Would do for Elamites too 🤔
Dirk Heinsius
John van den Hoeven for a modest fee I could make an Elamite version 🙂

John van den Hoeven
Top contributor
Thanks for the offer Dirk maybe later this year when my ancients Mojo returns, I'm having a break from DBMM at the moment. Really enjoying painting 15mm WW2 and ACW currently.

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