Sunday 30 June 2024

Early Imperial Romans - posted by Daniel Wade, 28 June 2024

Just finished some Black Tree Design EIR. They are a bit crude so I’m not going to spend too much time on painting them to a high standard. I almost painted the bases Goblin Green. 😀

They are larger than my previously painted Crusader sculpts. Also painted a skirmisher base that I had miscounted in my Army lists.

Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Don't think I would use the word crude in my description. Great work!
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Ben Vartok I agree 👍
Daniel Wade
Top contributor
Ben Vartok From a distance they look good but had many miscast bits I couldn't remove or just missed. The Crusader versions are much nicer.
Alastair Duncan
Methinks he doth protest too much!
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Alastair Duncan yonder doest thou faire maiden harken.

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