Monday 3 June 2024

DBMM Nationals: Winner, David Kinzett, Anglo Danes - posed by Andrew Bennetts, 4 June 2024

2024 NZ DBMM Nationals Results
A great weekend of DBMM over the weekend with 20 people competing in two groups and a new name on the fabled Shell Case Trophy!
Overall Winner - David Kinzett
General Slayer - Philip Abela
Best Baggage - Philip Abela
Ancients Group - Armies before 1071AD
David Kinzett - Anglo Danes - 73 - 1st Place
Wayne Watts - Marian Roman - 68 - 2nd Place
Richard Foster - Alexandrian Macedonian - 64 - 3rd Place
Neil Williamson - Skythian - 59
Barry Norris - Normans in Sicily - 53
Grant Brown - Late Imperial Romans - 51
Phil Gates - Late Imperial Romans - 48
Brett Watts - Andalusian - 47
Graham Starkey - Parthian - 41
David Wright - Syracusan - 36
Nick Buckby - Early Byzantine - 35
Richard Fields - Sea Peoples - 25
Medieval Group - Armies from 1071
Ivan Truong - Medieval French - 64 - 1st Place
Keith Trye - Anglo Norman - 63 - 2nd Place
Philip Abela - Feudal French - 60 - 3rd Place
Alastair Donald - Wars of the Roses English - 58
Andrew Bennetts - Sicilian - 57
Alastair Duncan - Hussite/Tupi/Inca/Fijian - 21
Allen Yaxley - Syrian - 14 (2 games only)

Wilfred Redpath - Norman - 13 (2 games only)

Jon Willacy
Tupi in Hussite wagons. I would like to see that.
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Well done David Kinzett! Top effort.
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Neil Williamson
Top contributor
Thank you Andrew for organising the tournament. It was thoroughly enjoyable.
Thanks to all my opponents for great games and sorry you had to play over a dead teddy bear. 😀

Ancients Podium: 1st David Kinzett (centre, also Overall Winner with Shell Case and overall take home trophy), 2nd Wayne Watts (right), 3rd Richard Foster (left)
Tilman Dang
Left? Right? Who cares, Richard is right, even when he is left, understood!
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Ben Vartok
Tilman Dang We should keep politics out of wargaming 🤪🥸
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Tilman Dang
Ben Vartok a matter of good policy, of course!....😉 (but then... if living in the polis, the other members of the polity could take offense as banning political statements by necessity supports the current political setup...)....but yes, politics, naa, dirty!

Medieval Podium: 1st Ivan Truong (Centre), 2nd Keith Trye (right), 3rd Philip Abela (left, who also has General Slayer and Best Baggage trophies)


Tilman Dang
I see, winner by # of Trophies, Mr. Abela, busy like a bee, no surprises, well done!
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Tilman Dang
Btw, is it a political statement (in current Aotearoa) that right and left are kinda interchangeable? Or am I just confused? Maybe be careful when back on the road...

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