Friday 4 January 2019

ValleyCon draw for round 1 - Posted by Vince Cholewa for Allen Yaxley 5 January 2019

Valley-Con 26-27 January 2019: Allen Yaxley has emailed the draw for round one. With a smaller hall this year entries for all periods were limited, with 16 allocated for DBMM.

1. Bruce Ferguson, Siamese 1431AD
2. Gary Lewis, Patrician Roman 460AD
3. Allen Yaxley, Early Carthaginian 340BC
4. Russell Paton, Alexandrian Imperial 322BC
5. Rob Curry,Alexandrian Macedonian 338BC
6. Vince Cholewa, Seleucid 300BC
7. Craig Mabon, Assyrian 690BC
8. Dirk Heinsius, Libyan Egyptian 725BC
9. Che Tibby, Latin 360BC
10. Jim Morton,Bactrian Greek 208BC
11. Phil Gates, Marian Roman 70BC
12. Neil Williamson, Hunnic 450AD
13. Russell Briant, Ptolemaic 38BC
14. Andrew Brazendale, Middle Imperial Roman 394AD
15. Peter Noble Don't know where, don't know when ?
16. Paul Graham Don't know when, don't know where ?
Pleased to see so many Book One & Two Armies at Valley-Con this year. If any details are wrong please e-mail me directly. As you can see 15 & 16 still to be advised.
Also note some gamers are only using 400AP. You will need two lists.
First round starts at 8.45am.
Parking is only outside school gates & there are 2 other comps running so give your self plenty of time. Setting up on Friday evening at 6pm if any one can help for an hour.
Cheers & Happy New Year

Dirk Heinsius My Libyan Egyptians, are also nearly ready to do battle, apart from the Invincible Meshwesh, who have been delayed in the Christmas post, and have not yet arrived. Clearly a poorly thought flank march from the UK ðŸ˜Š

Looks like I’ve got a painting marathon coming up before Valleycon.


Vincent Cholewa One of your opponents has cunningly deployed a "delayed in the post" stratagem.

Dirk Heinsius Vincent Cholewa how many points does that strategem cost?

Vincent Cholewa Dirk Heinsius it is not clear in the rules. Perhaps one for the next edition of the commentary?

Phillip Nash Come on the Siamese!

Vincent Cholewa Beware of the true Persians (300 BC) and carrying long pointed sticks.

Vincent Cholewa Subsequent to posting, I see Peter Noble is using Alexandrian Imperial 324BC.

1 comment:

  1. The Stefan Wesley Audio Experience has just Launched!
