Monday 23 September 2024

Early Carthaginians vs Polybian Romans - posted by Ben Vartok, 17 September 2024

Text goes here…..It's Tuesday, that means DBMM 400 points. Andrew Bennetts hosted and wisely chose an indoor table to avoid the hail. So two fresh armies, 400 points on an 8 x 6 table. Benny put out his Polybians for the second time and I debuted my Early Carthaginians after a week of hectic basing.
Size of the table and 400 point armies meant lots of movement. Especially as both of us had weak points that needed support. Pips were plentiful, that's the polite way of saying it. I don't think Benny rolled any ones or twos through the whole game.
I chose to fight with my smallest, and ally, command first but fluffed the opportunities. That was my left flank gone and the CnCs command ready to be rolled up. On the other flank my inferior PS took out the superior PS in front of them and the game was called with many a flank open (I had the school run at 3pm).

A good draw and fun game with my new army. Next up I need to get the Spanish and Etruscans into the paint queue. Might post some studio shots after their photoshoot for Vogue later this week. 

[Admin: there are lots more pics on the Facebook post.]

Aaron Paul
Would that's a killer looking battle
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Nice armies and a good looking game šŸ˜Š
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Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
Ben wasn't wrong about the plentiful pips in the game for both of us. I've recently taken to recording my pips during games (to give me evidence for my perpetual moaning about them) and my pip average for the game was a whooping 4.5, a full pip per dice above average. And I needed all of them to reorganise into some sort of order after Ben completely won the the deployment.
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Julian Hannam
Top contributor
Andrew Bennetts so besides this game's outrageous luck have you found that your general PIP misery is based on reality, or just generic defeatism?
Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
The game was also a reminder of how much more demanding 400AP is for deployment compared to 450. You really need to understand how much frontage your army can fill and have clear plans to about how to manage the rest of the table. Both of us were very guilty of leaving our left flank's highly vulnerable and it would have been a close run thing if we'd had the time to play to a conclusion and seen whose victorious right flank would have been decisive.
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Andrew Young
Great looking game…two beautiful armies šŸ‘
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Gavin Pearson
Nice troops & table

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