Monday 22 July 2024

Levin DBMM competition, armies and enemies of imperial Rome, pics from the fourth and final round - posted by Vince Cholewa, 22 July 2024

 Levin DBMM competition, armies and enemies of imperial Rome, pics from the fourth and final round yesterday afternoon. I played using my Early Imperial Romans as a team with Philip Gates, Late Imperial Romans - Phil played the first three games. I will post final results and musings separately.

Michael Stonyer in action, he was the judge for best army and best baggage. This is my game, vs Wayne W.J. Watts, both of us using Early Imperial Romans. There is only one true Caesar!

Backstory for my army
Peter Williamson, Huns vs Andrew Bennetts, Palmyran

Alastair Duncan, Sassanids vs Keith V Trye, Ostrogoths

Paul Graham, German tribes vs Barry Norris, Late Imperial Romans

The draw

Graham Starkey, Parthians vs Neil Williamson, Dacians

Julian Hannam, Late Imperial Romans vs Craig Mabon, Parthians. Chris Blackler and Michael Stonyer are watching

Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
A big thanks to Vince for a fun weekend and an interesting theme that attracted some rarely seen armies. Also to my opponents, Barry, Craig, Wayne and Peter for four tremendous games.
Vincent Cholewa
Andrew Bennetts you are most welcome, and thank you so much for travelling from Auckland. It was great to see you and your Palmyrans - they look great 👍
Philip Gates
Top contributor
I'll reiterate what Benny said, a fun, well organized and all round enjoyable weekend.
Well done Vince.
Vincent Cholewa
Philip Gates thank you so much and well done setting me up so well for the run in on the home straight - 1st Roman. Ave!
Dirk Heinsius
Top contributor
I just want to know if Rome was the winner on the day
Vincent Cholewa replied
1 Reply
Alastair Duncan
Some of us chose not to throw 6s and relied on tactics and skill instead.
That plan is now being revised!!!!!

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