Monday 22 July 2024

Levin DBMM competition, the armies and enemies of Imperial Rome, round 2 - posted by Vince Cholewa, 20 July 2024

Levin DBMM competition, the armies and enemies of Imperial Rome, round 2 involving lots of thoughtful poses 🤔

Andrew Bennetts, Palmyran vs Craig Mabon, Parthian

Graham Starkey, Parthians vs Philip Gates, Late Imperial Roman

Phil won the Survivor DBMM spot prize for rolling one and still winning close combat

Wayne W.J. Watts Early Imperial Roman vs Barry Norris, Late Imperial Roman

The draw

Keith V Trye, Ostrogoths vs Peter Williamson, Huns

Paul Graham, German tribes vs Neil Williamson, Dacians

Julian Hannam, Late Imperial Romans vs Alastair Duncan, Early Imperial Roman. Chris Blackler is watching

Two spot prizes this bound as no one won the Handbag in round one.

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