Sunday 28 July 2024

Hebrews' hills - posted by Josh Barton, 25 July 2024

Couple of quick hills for the Hebrews.
Does anyone have a recommendation for an arid basecloth? I ordered one from Tinywargames and it never arrived 😕 

Philip Gates
Top contributor
Make your own. That's what I am doing.
Josh Barton replied
10 Replies
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
I like Cigar Box Mats, they are printed cloth, robust and look good. Have a Pompeii sts one but they do modern deserts, dunes, sicily and many more. Web link to follow but I got mine through Game Centre in Ham Town.
Cigar Box Battle Store
Cigar Box Battle Store
Cigar Box Battle Store
John van den Hoeven
Top contributor
Strange about Tiny Wargames. I've got 2 of their cloths which arrived fairly promptly,the desert one especially is excellent.Great looking hills 👍
Gavin Pearson
Top contributor
Hills look great.
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Nice hills. If you haven’t already, give the stones a good coat of varnish or the bloody things come off over time.
Kristoffer Wingstedt
Nice hills!
Had the same experience with TW….
have both Deep-cut Studios “Savanna” and “Wild West”. I think both will work 😀
Josh Barton
Top contributor
Kristoffer Wingstedt Thanks for the suggestion! and yeah it seems like they're a very unreliable company 🙁
Bruce Ferguson
Top contributor
you won't be able to fit those in your box
Josh Barton
Top contributor
Bruce Ferguson nope. Need more box
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Those wargamers' words, "I need ..."

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