Sunday 5 July 2020

South Welsh vs Later Medieval Portuguese - posted by Andrew Bennetts, 29 June 2020

South Welsh vs Later Medieval Portuguese at North Shore Club

It was a busy day at the NSWC on Auckland's (not so) sunny North Shore. Plenty of FoG Napoleonics, some Flames of War WWII and Kings of War Fantasy but just the one game of DBMM - my Welsh taking on Rob Sadler's post 1495 Portuguese. A tough match up for Rob with lots of (F) foot facing the Welsh archery. Deploying first, the Welsh had two commands of archers, the one under the CinC backed by Wb, across the centre with another command of Cv, Mtd Bw and light troops concealed behind a wooded ridge and BUA on the left. An English Marcher Ally was delayed. Rob had a huge (46ME!) command of Bd(F), Pk(F) and Ps(S) making up his left and centre and two commands of Men at Arms (one dismounted as Bd(S)), each with a few supports on the right. The English arrived immediately but then rolled '1' for their first on-table PiPs so sat unreliable at the back! This rather stymied my plan for them to advance past the village supported by the Cv and Mtd Bw so emphasis switched to the other wing where Bw advanced to shoot at the pikes with warband waiting to exploit the damage. The first part went well with most of the front rank of Pk going down in the first volley. However the Wb then charged through impetuously and spent the next few bounds merely skewering themselves on the pikes! Elsewhere Rob advanced steadily, taking a regular trickle of losses to archery until a final climactic bound when, not only did practically everything the Welsh shot at die (including the Art(I)!) but the surviving Wb finally won some combats. This was enough to convince the English to join in but, before they could do anything, the big Portuguese command broke and, with other losses pushed the Portuguese army to defeat.

After the first couple of bounds:
The English have just arrived top left and decide to stop for a brew up.
Mounted bow from the Concealed Command emerge from the wooded hill with light troops heading for the BUA and Cv waiting for the English to finish their smoko....

On the other flank, the Welsh archers ready themselves for what would be a devastating first volley.......

With most of the first rank of pikes shot down, the over confident warband charge through the archers and proceed to get steadily skewered by the surviving pikes........

Meanwhile the Portuguese cautiously advance while, with the BUA secured, mounted bow and Cv wait for the English to finish their tea.

Meanwhile the Portuguese cautiously advance while, with the BUA secured, mounted bow and Cv wait for the English to finish their tea.

The Portuguese advance in the centre is only briefly inconvenienced by Welsh skirmishers in the boggy ground but the archers beyond are starting to find the range......

Despite losing half their number, the surviving warband finally overwhelm the pikes, signalling the beginning of the end for the Portuguese.

  • Josh Barton Typical perfidious Albion!
  • Vincent Cholewa Many thanks for posting, Benny. Great to see games being played. It sounds like a Portuguese organisation I have not seen before. The one I have encountered were full of Iberian knights supported by English longbows and men-at-arms.
    • Andrew Bennetts Rob wants to use the army for DBR as much as DBMM which I think has driven his choices. Also the Eureka figures are full of character and Rob has done a great job on them. The army is much bigger in elements and ME than the earlier army but suffers froSee More

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