Sunday 12 May 2024

Sub-Roman British vs pre-feudal Scottish - posted by Julian Hannam, 8 May 2024

Sub-Roman British 468A.D. versus pre-feudal Scottish. Another enlightening game with Keith Keith V Trye. I have learnt the pain of an unreliable ally sitting in the deployment zone for four turns with nine knight elements doing nothing! Meanwhile the spear and blade went at it …hard. Totally predictable victory for the Scots.

Russell Briant
Top contributor
Put some of your potentially unreliable Allies troops into ambush as a potential release trigger.
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Julian Hannam replied
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Allies can be f—kers! Saturday morning at ValleyCon. Very first game for my Mitanni, ever. Very first game for their Hittite ally, ever. What was the Hittite’s first PIP die roll, ever? One. Of course it was. F—kers!
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Julian Hannam
Vincent Cholewa yup, my first game with Sub Roman’s ever and Alan allies…ever. There’s a thing happening there.
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Russell Briant
Top contributor
Vincent Cholewa A tyro no name King of the Mitanni with no battle rep and on his first day on the job.....seems pretty prudent for the Hittites to take a moment and observe his performance before committing their lives to his venture 🙃
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Alastair Duncan
Top contributor
Imagine what gaming is like for poor Chris Luxon with his two allies!!!! Not to mention his baggage!
  • Haha
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