Sunday 12 May 2024

Our first DBMM battle - posted by Tony Jemmett, 10 May 2024

Our first DBMM battle. Common Scots have come down from the lowlands to remove some Anglo Danish chappies with a remnant viking allie. Stepping up to DBMM from our DBA prams seems a very adult thing to do. 

Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
With the pic you have posted we have got to say, “welcome aboard” ðŸš£‍♂️ ðŸŽ² ⚔️😊
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Where are you based?
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Tony Jemmett
Nelson ish. Learning the ropes of DBMM. Taking us (a neighbour who like me played back in the late 70s and then not until 5 mths ago) a lot of time to understand the rules as neither have prior experience in DBMM. But good fun learning. Throwing a boat and river into the mix has complicated the battle but and disruption is good for the Danes as the highly packed pikes of the common Scots are hard to penetrate otherwise.
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Tony Jemmett feel free to ask any questions here. The group is always happy to help.
There is also a list of this years events in the file section

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