Sunday, 26 February 2023

DBMM nationals, June 3-4, updated rules of engagement and registration details - from Andrew Bennetts, 27 February 2023

Hi all, Andrew has asked me to upload the updates rules of engagement (which include registration detials) for the DBMM nationals, Kings Birthday weekend, June 3-4, St Brendan’s School, Upper Hutt.

To avoid confusion, I will also delete the older files about the nationals.

[Files cannot to be uploaded to a blog.  Please email] 

Looking for a game at the Hutt Club - posted by Wayne Watts, 26 February 2023

Looking for a 450AP game on 11th March.
I'm hoping to do a trial outing with the restored Navarrese to see how they perform in MMver2. As they are a possible ValleyCon entry (if they behave) I'd like to engage someone not in ValleyCon Group 3 if possible.

Reply here or to email

Allen Yaxley

Gary’s Anglo ðŸ‡¬ðŸ‡§Saxons taking on my Norse Irish ☘️, sorry. ðŸ¤“

DBMM nationals, June 3-4, registrations open - posted by Andrw Bennetts, 26 February 2023

2023 NZ DBMM Nationals - Kings Birthday Weekend - 3,4 June
Hi All,
Just a reminder that registrations are open for the DBMM Nationals at Kings Birthday Weekend and it would be great to see some entries coming through.
Two Divisions (Pools) are planned:
Ancient and Dark Ages (Pre 1071AD) - 400AP (or 450 by mutual agreement)
Medieval (1071AD onwards) - 450Ap (or 400AP by mutual agreement)
Full details are in the Player Pack in the Files section of this Group


The Historical Wargaming Bring & Buy Bunker NZ established - shared by Vince Cholewa, 24 February 2023

Hi all this Facebook group has been set up a day or two ago to sell, buy and exchange historical figures in New Zealand. 

The Historical Wargaming Bring & Buy Bunker NZ

Tombstone of a Thracian auxiliary cavalryman - shared by John Dods, 24 February 2023

Tombstone of a Thracian Auxiliary Cavalryman by the name of Longinus Sdapeze, dated around 60 CE , Colchester Castle Museum, Camulodunum (Roman Colchester).
Here is Longinus Sdapeze, a junior officer in a cavalry regiment.
He is wearing (lorica squamata) a leather tunic with diamond-shaped plates of metal swen on. Longinus carried a spear in his right hand, but the spear is now missing.
Longinus died between CE 43-49 while the Roman Army was stationed in Colchester.


Vincent Cholewa

Thrace was one of the very biggest recruiting areas for auxiliaries. After their service (20 or 25 years depending on the period) they became citizens and many of their sons became Praetorians.

Astreix's village - posted by Dirk Heinsius, 24 February 2023

On the painting table......

New BUA for the Asterixian Romans!
52BC All Gaul is conquered!
Buildings and Pallisade printed by Potbelly Miniatures
Figures are Metal Magic
Trees are old GW

The Complete Village/BUA

The House of Unhygenix
Asterix, Obelix, Dogmatix, and Getafix at the gate.

The House of Vitalstatistix
Vincent Cholewa
Da boss!
The House of Fulliautomatix, and the Soothsayer

The House of Cacafonix

And of course the inspiration