Sunday, 30 June 2024

Timurids vs Ottoman Turks - posted by Ben Vartok, 28 June 2024

DBMM 240 Points yesterday evening in Auckland. I fielded Timurids after finally completing some Horde I (the I is for immortal). Benny put his Ottoman Turks on the table so historical encounter. Plenty of opportunity for both sides. The Serbian Knights had cavalry in front of them while the Timurid superior LH and Cav had fast LH and odinary cav facing them on the flank. Totally looked to be going the Timurid way, the Ottoman flank collapsed and the Serbian Knights along with the Janissary archers just could not do any damage. Benny did the sums and his army was 1/2 an ME off breaking, he rolled a pip storm for his two remaining commands and finally his knights and archers got themselves sorted. They broke the Timurid centre and other flank and won the game in a bound of fury.

Nick Buckby
I like the buzzards
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Nick Buckby Might have some spares....

Welcome new members to our Facebook group - posted 30 July 2024

Let's welcome our new members!

Early Imperial Romans - posted by Daniel Wade, 28 June 2024

Just finished some Black Tree Design EIR. They are a bit crude so I’m not going to spend too much time on painting them to a high standard. I almost painted the bases Goblin Green. 😀

They are larger than my previously painted Crusader sculpts. Also painted a skirmisher base that I had miscounted in my Army lists.

Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Don't think I would use the word crude in my description. Great work!
Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Ben Vartok I agree 👍
Daniel Wade
Top contributor
Ben Vartok From a distance they look good but had many miscast bits I couldn't remove or just missed. The Crusader versions are much nicer.
Alastair Duncan
Methinks he doth protest too much!
Ben Vartok
Top contributor
Alastair Duncan yonder doest thou faire maiden harken.