NatCon update - posted by Richard Foster, 16 March 2019
Natcon update
We have 10 registered for the whole 3 days and Al D for the first 2 days. Another one for either would be good!
Tables size confirmed at 8' x 6' so definitely no 2 area feature equivalent terrain.
Runners and riders to be announce soon.
Richard Foster Runners to date are; Benny, Phil G, Dirk H, Allen Y, Russell B, Russell P, Ivan T, Keith T, Josh B, Dave K, Al D (2days) and me.
Allen Yaxley
Neil said he had registered. Bit disappointing isn’t it. Sorry Richard.
Neil Williamson Hi Richard - yes I registered and paid on 20 January and received an acknowledgement from Nick on the 6 February. If there are some problems please let me know.
Neil Williamson Hi Allen, do you mean that it is disappointing that I registered?😀
Allen Yaxley
No, disappointment in the numbers attending. Thought there might have been more interest. Kapiti a step to far.
Very pleased you are going.👍👏
Neil Williamson Hi Richard - Just checking. The player pack states that there are no 2FE area features permitted on 5 foot tables, is this being extended to 6 foot tables now?
I was just wondering because I was going to make a big gentle hill for the tournament, but if not allowed, I may have to make 4 x 1FE hills as they have a 50% cost discount. This is obviously a lot more work.
Vincent Cholewa
Hi Neil: "No player can choose more than ... two non-compulsory features of the same type, or more than three 1/2 FE sized features." p.21, third paragraph.
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