Sunday, 9 March 2025

You''''''tube video: DBMM basic tactics, skirmish screen - posted by Lorricount Du Ho, 3 March 2023

YouTube link

Three games at Pukekohe - form Philip Abela, 2 March 2025

There were some DBMM games on at the Pukekohe club today [2 March 2025] - Carthaginians v Syracusans, Carthaginians v Assyrians, and Egyptians v Romans. Thought you might like to see some of the action as encouragement to get your own Ancients armies out of the storage boxes and onto the table. We're looking to get more ancients games at the club this year. Next week at the NSWC we'll be playing some 15mm games (400 points on a 6x4 table). Hope you can join us!

DBF rules are now available on Lulu - shared by Vince Cholewa, 1 March 2025

The DBF rules are now available. Gamers who play DBA and DBMM will find them very familiar and it’s easy to morph existing armies into these fantasy rules 🎲⚔️🧙‍♂️

DBF is live on Lulu. Please order, play and tell us what you think. 

Early Carthaginians vs Syracusan - posted by Ben Vartok, 26 February 2025

Inferiority, superiority in abundance today in Benny's courtyard. The sun was shining on the Spanish superior Auxilia but that really didn't help their dicing. Both Benny's Syracusans and my Early Carthaginians had Spanish on their left flanks and both under performed brilliantly. The surprise Gauls in the centre behind the hill were found by brave scouts, delayed by more brave PS then carved their way into the ranks of superior Sacred Band Spear with all 6 elements going to the dead pile. The inferior African spear resisted the Gauls very well. Meanwhile Benny's attempts to push on his left failed when he rolled 1/1/1/1 in successive combats. My Numidian ally broke, Benny's left flank collapsed (despite outnumbering and with combined arms) and two more of my commands disheartened. One more bound and a Carthaginian army breaking but saved by the bell (I had to do a school run to pick up one of the kids) and a 15 - 10 to Benny

Andrew Bennetts
Top contributor
A really fun game with many a swing of fate on the dice. As Ben said, my left under performed very badly (Spanish Ax(S) slaughtered by Ax(O) & Ps(O)!) but then the Gauls made up for it by slicing through the Sacred Band. Getafix's Magic potion was on s… 
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Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Good game! The rules are very much at the best with historical opponents or at least contemporary armies from the same part of the world