- John Van Den Hoeven, Samanid 902AD, versus Michail Woolf , Marian Roman 66BC , 25-0
- Phil Gates, Marian Roman 70BC, versus Doug Smith, Later Carthaginian, 202BC, 13-12
- Peter Noble, ( 1 GEN ) Ostrogoths 404AD versus Allen Yaxley, Konstantinian Byzantine 1068AD, 17-8
- Gary Lewis, ( 1 GEN ) Italian Condotta 1430AD versus Paul Graham, Polybian Roman 210BC, 22-3
- Bruce Fergusson, Later Swiss, 1474AD versus Neil Williamson, Alans 1250AD 25-0
- Russell Paton, Mid Imp Roman 286AD versus Drew Fortune, Italian Condotta 1550AD 13-12
- Mike Stonyer, ( 1 BAG ) Mid Imp Roman 272AD versus Craig Mabon, Neo-Assyrian 690BC 15-10
- John Van Den Hoeven versus Bruce ( 1 BAG ) 0-25
- Peter Noble versus Gary 12-13
- Phil Gates versus Mike 11-14
- Doug( 2 GENS ) versus Drew 23-2
- Craig Versus Russell 10-15
- Paul ( 1 GEN ) versus Allen 23-2
- Neil versus Michail 11-14
Totals after two rounds of four:
- Bruce Fergusson , Later Swiss 1474AD 50 points (1 BAG )
- Doug Smith , Later Carthaginian 202BC 35 points (2 GEN )
- Gary Lewis , Italian Condotta 1430AD 35 points (1 GEN)
- Mike Stonyer , Mid Imp Roman , 272AD 29 points (1 BAG)
- Peter Noble , Ostrogoths 404AD 29 points (1 GEN )
- Russell Paton, Mid Imp Roman 286AD 28 points
- Paul Graham, Polybian Roman 210BC 26 points (1 GEN)
- John Van Den Hoeven , Samanid 902AD 25 points
- Phil Gates ,Marian Roman 70BC 24 points
- Craig Maybon, Neo Assyrian 690BC 20 points
- Drew Fortune , Italian Condotta 1550AD 14 points
- Mchail woolf, Marian Roman 66BC 14 points
- Neil Williamson , Alans 1250AD 11 points
- Allen Yaxley Konstantinian Byzantine 1068AD , 10 points
Round Three draw:
- Bruce v Doug
- Gary v Mike
- Peter v Russell
- Paul v John
- Phil v Craig
- Drew v Mchail
- Neil v Allen ( yes , Neil Alans versus Allen.)
No one got four 1's on their dice , or four 6's. If there is any issues with scores , get back to me directly.
I know their is at least I person not playing on sat 28th Sept (round two) but I have back in place. Very impressed with the standards yesterday , Good looking armies , impressive terrain
and bad dice.
I will make mention of individual achievements after day two.
See you all at CTA,